Cecilia Kucharski

Company: Webcor
Job title: Vice President
Evaluating Team Member Capabilities to Provide the Right Opportunities, Support Engagement & Drive Project Success 10:30 am
Exploring the link between employee satisfaction and commercial success Ensuring regular evaluation and feedback on individual capabilities to help build the right project teams Identifying opportunities for up-and-coming team members to gain new experience or move into management positionsRead more
day: Day Two - Track 2 (Precon...)
Panel Discussion: Building Out Your Preconstruction Department Roadmap to Support Strategic Growth Requirements 8:00 am
Reviewing the variance in understanding and application of the term ‘preconstruction’ dependent on company size, stakeholder group and market sector Insights into departmental structure and why certain functions do or do not sit under the preconstruction umbrella How do the requirements and functional make-up of preconstruction teams evolve with company growth and target market opportunity?Read more
day: Day Two AM