Aman Singh
Company: Barry-Wehmiller Design Group
Job title: Director - Preconstruction
Overcoming Limited Data for Accurate Scope Definition in Facility Maintenance Projects 10:30 am
Taking a narrative based approach with clients to define scope Exploring what information you need on the rest of the facility to de-risk scope Analyzing tools and best practice to support better insights when there are gaps in historical documentation.Read more
day: Day Two - Track 4 (Conceptual...)
Panel Discussion: Setting Expectations Between Trade & General Contractors on Early Scope Estimates 2:15 pm
Understanding trade estimating processes in detail to factor for cost contingency requirements in general contractor estimates Building sufficient contingency to account for inflation over long project timelines Maintaining dialogue on cost as projects progress to get ahead of and mitigate budget shortfalls Aligning expectations and capacity to deliver between Trades and GCsRead more
day: Day One - Track 4 (Conceptual ...)